I'm so pleased with my latest knit, just off the needles. It's the Cicely Shawl, from FOLK, the latest issue of Taproot. Each time, early on in the editing phase, when a knitting project comes in, I can hardly contain my excitement about what's been shared with us, and almost always cast on immediately for whatever the project is. This one is by Courtney Spainhower (Pink Brutus Knits), new to Taproot, and I'm quite in love with not only how it turned out, but also the construction of it - it was surprising a bit, and fun. The yarn is Siidegarte ("Silky Swiss Gorgeousness" indeed!), and not exactly the gauge recommended for the pattern. But I fell so much in love with it (thanks to Suzie at Knitwit, who always knows what I'll love!), that I just had to go for it anyway. And being a shawl, of course, it works at whatever size, really.
The trouble now is that I just can't decide who it belongs to. I love it so....and that green is just so scrumptious. But there's a little girl who has been eyeing it the whole time I've been knitting it, and I think it might just belong to her. Or maybe we can share. Hmn....I don't know yet.
But I do know that it isn't for the turkeys. AND, that the pattern for the next issue of Taproot just came in and I'm ready to cast on for that loveliness too.