We've all been under the weather this past week (hence my absence from the blog more than usual, my apologies!). It's been just enough to slow us down a bit, though not entirely. It's just the kind of change-of-season cold that keeps things a little more mellow than usual. And what we've found to focus a great deal of our energy on together in our days....is crafting. Surprising, no? It's been non-stop here. Papier mache, drawing while listening to audiobooks, and of course....the leaves.
Supposedly last weekend was 'peak' foliage around here. I believe it - it's absolutely stunning right now. My twice-a-day drive to bring Calvin to and from school has honestly been nothing but a pleasure - driving through the riot of color that is the trees here right now. And of course, stopping more often than he'd like because "that tree is SO red! We need more really really red leaves!"
At home, we've been simply dipping them in beeswax and then adorning every single corner of our home with them. Garlands (can one ever have too many garlands?), hanging in windows, and simply filling baskets on the table. This morning, as I sit in my studio to work for the first time in a few days, a drawing was slipped under my door (that's their subtle way of asking). A halloween costume made entirely of leaves. I think we can do that...
Have a lovely weekend, friends!