Where would we Mamas be without our friends? I can't even begin to fathom the answer to that question. And that ranges the whole entirety of life - from the person I call when the world around me seems to be crumbling (but really I'm just needing a reminder that I'm tired, I need a walk in the woods, perhaps a good cry, and/or maybe a long night out with the ladies too)..... to....the person who helps me figure out what the ever-living-daylights I'm going to DO with all this pumpkin coming out of the garden! It's a miracle and a blessing when we find friends who can help us sort out both kinds of life problems, and I certainly have one of those special friends in Sarah.
She paid me a visit earlier this week, because she and I are cooking up a plan for something fun and fabulous in 2016 together (more on that soon), and as she was walking out the door, I said, "but wait! You can't leave without a pumpkin....or three?". And while that may sound generous and thoughtful of me, it really was nothing but selfish I'll have you know (she knew it too, she's no fool. That's the lawyer in her, I say.). For around here, we call her the Smoothie Queen. And I knew that if I handed her all of that pumpkin, it would only be a matter of days before I had a text from her with the perfect smoothie recipe. One that included pumpkin puree, of which, well, I've got a bit of. And well, here we are, just a few days later, recipe in hand. Tested and tried, loved and adored by her family and mine. And I'm ever so glad she let me share it here with you today. It's like pumpkin pie in a cup, but without any kind of post-pie feeling. And no guilt at all. Pure yum.
From Sarah:
When fall comes along most people do not think about adding pumpkin to smoothies, but it is actually a really nice addition. You can use raw, cooked or even canned pumpkin in your smoothie. Pumpkins are are high in vitamin A and contains almost all of the B vitamins. As for minerals, pumpkins are rich in copper and a good source of iron, manganese, phosphorus and potassium. And with several antioxidants, you have a powerful ingredient to add to your smoothie. Pumpkin makes a wonderful base and blends well with apples, pears, coconut, carrot, and sweet potato. Spices like cinnamon, clove, nutmeg, ginger, vanilla, and allspice are excellent in pumpkin smoothies where pumpkin is the dominant flavor. The flavor of raw cacao also mixes well with pumpkin. Lastly, if making a green smoothie with pumpkin, mild-flavored greens, like organic baby spinach are great. You can use raw, cooked or even canned pumpkin for making a smoothie.
Pumpkin-Gingerbread Smoothie:
1 1/2 cups almond milk (or milk of choice)
1 banana
thumb size piece of ginger, peeled
2 T maple syrup
1 cup pumpkin puree
1 T chia seeds
1 T molasses
2 t cinnamon
1/4 t nutmeg
Combine all the ingredients in a blender and blend until smooth. Pour into a glass and enjoy!
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(Note - for our largish family lunch size - served with popcorn, apples, and hard boiled eggs, of course - I doubled everything but the molasses. And....if you'd like to check out more of what Sarah does in good food, yoga, health and wellness, do pay her a visit!)
Did I mention the guilt-free, pumpkin pie in a cup part? Yum. Thanks, Sarah. For everything.