When the sad decision was made to stay home from the Common Ground Fair this year, Papa made a heartfelt promise to the tearful, sick little ones. We'd take them to the County fair this year, where they haven't been before! Well, Papa was working on the day it worked out for us to go (oh, Papa!), and so I journeyed with some friends - just the younger three and I. It was the first time I'd been the Fryeburg Fair since I was a child. What a day! We all had such a good time, save for the rookie mistake Mama made of not bringing a stroller. It was far too much for Ani's little legs to keep up with! Regardless of that, fun was had by all. We so saw many animals (and managed to come home without any of them - success!), tried a few rides, and indulged in fair food. It was the first time for both fried dough and cotton candy for the kids - the cotton candy was declared "just weird" and the fried dough "amazing!" And now there is talk that next year we must go to both the Common Ground Country Fair and the Fryeburg Fair. "Because really, Mom, they're so different, you can't just go to one of them."
Well, then. A new tradition!