Oh this week! Truly by all appearances and according to the calendar, it was really a 'normal' week and I can't think of a single thing that could have made it more wild than usual (well, maybe the 3am vomiting from one little girl. Or maybe getting a magazine issue out the door and to the printer. Or maybe it's all the sorting out and wrapping our brains around technology and teens that we've been doing more of this week. Or perhaps it is just life in a big family in a busy time of year? Maybe just that.) But for whatever reason, this week kinda kicked my tush. And I am so very much looking forward to Friday night, and Saturday, and Sunday. Ah....

In fun news this week, Greta the Great (Pyrenees) turned two. Hooray! She is such a gem, this Greta. She has blended so beautifully into our family and our farm and really straddled both of those worlds quite well, we think (though we've been told over and over that it isn't possible for a farm dog to also be a family dog). She spends her nights outside barking and running the perimeter and hanging with the sheep....and her days inside with us, mostly sleeping but also being read to, dressed up (yes), and snuggled. She's a sweet, sweet girl - calm, and smart, and very independent, just as we're told her breed is known for.
I am very much in love with My bubba right now. So much so that if I sing this song one more time, my children might start throwing things at me. Alright, maybe they've already done that but I still can't stop. All of their music is dreamy and lovely, but knitters, you've got to check out that link. You must.

Our neighbor Bruce brought by another bag full of his apples yesterday. They are usually delivered with a sweet and not-so-subtle something like, "You know, if you felt like making a pie or something like that" .... wink, wink. I've made him one but that's just not enough for all he's shared with us, and this morning I'm committed to making him another. And maybe even freezing some - I did that a few years ago and it was such a treat to have a pie, ready to go, at all times. I mean really now. There's not a lot better in life than having pie on standby. (Also, those are not his eighty year old hands nor his apples. But they're pretty aren't they?)
Honestly, I'm shocked that he's still bringing apples. There's been a quick turn towards late autumn here this week. The trees suddenly dropped all of their last remaining leaves overnight, it seems. It was such an exceptionally gorgeous autumn - so very full of color - that the void of it now is feeling a bit shocking. But...it's time. The woodstove is lit more often than not, and we are finding ourselves quite tucked in and cozy.

We've been adding loads and loads of Taproot Goods to the shop these past weeks. Our 2016 Phoebe Wahl calendars and agendas, new totes, holiday notecards, tees and bibs! It's so much fun bringing some of the art that is in the pages to fun, useful and beautiful objects for home and family. Pictured above is a new kids tee with art by McKenzie Ditter (who has a most fabulous article in our next issue about Screen Printing at Home!) Fun.
The very brunch at which I took the photograph above, Silly Miss Ani was asked by our friends if she was going to join the homeschool ski group this winter. She looked at them as though they were from Mars and responded with, "Um, no. I don't ski. I SEW!" Right. Because that's what we do when the older kids go skiing. It looks as though I've got another year of Tuesday Sewing with Ani ahead, and I couldn't be more pleased.

These ladies need a hair cut, they really do. And the clock is ticking on how much longer we can reasonably do it. Steve and I are ready to call 'uncle' on how much we can fit into a day right now and, and would love to call in a shearer to do the job, but are having such a hard time finding anyone with free time on their shearing schedule! I fear these ladies might soon look like Shrek the sheep!
On the note of yarn, my needles have been clacking at every opportunity I can find, though that isn't as much as I'd like. Which means I get to think about knitting a lot instead. That's not so terrible. I'm pretty excited right now about Carrie Hoge's Swoon Maine, available for pre-order now, and I'm very eager to get my hands and eyes on The Modern Natural Dyer book by Kristine Vejar (who I am happy to report is a contributor to the very next issue of Taproot!).

Thank you, thank you, thank you for your warm response to Into the Woods: A Winter Gathering! Sarah and I are so excited about your excitement. Registration begins on Monday, so shoot us a note over the weekend if you have any questions before that starts. I can't wait to be back in that kitchen, cooking with her again. Joy.
There is little that tops my excitement at what's in store for tonight. Dave Rawlings Machine is in town and you can be sure I secured tickets just the second they were available. Those two brilliant musicians are my absolute favorite to hear live and I can never miss seeing them when they roll through town. And after this week, well....it's just the way to end it all, exhale, and begin a weekend.
Friends, I wish you the same - a peaceful and restorative weekend ahead!