Registration has just opened for Into The Woods: A Winter Gathering! All the details can be found here. If you want to join us, send us an email at [email protected] letting us know that, as well as your lodging preference. We'll be in touch shortly!
Registration is closed for Into the Woods! Stay tuned for more details about a future gathering. And if you've sent a registration request this morning, we will be in touch today just as soon as we sort everything out! Thank you!!!
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"Through the window
we could see
how far away it was to the gates of April.
Let the fire now
put on its red hat
and sing to us."
~ Mary Oliver, Why I Wake Early, 2004
I've been thinking about that poem, November, this weekend. Though surely there will be days in which we are gone for the whole day, or nights that we go to bed early and sleep too late to keep the embers burning...for the most part, the fire is really 'going' all the time now. It's cool enough inside that each day warrants it, and that tiny little basket of kindling and newspaper - that's only used for a few weeks a year - is put away once again. Here we go! Until April! Oh, it's still quite lovely out there too, albeit with a lot more woolens on our body than just two weeks ago. But inside - gathered around in story or art or song - that's where we are drawn now. And in the context of all that happens in the big wide world, it's just the place we can hold each other close, fill up on love and light, and send it out to those who need it.