A new skirt for Annabel! Or should I say, a really really old skirt that was to be a dress for Adelaide. Ahem. Oh, these knitting projects! Sometimes they go in fits and starts, don't they? And sometimes, those 'fits' are more than a few years long. I believe I cast on for this for Adelaide before we even moved here. My intention was to make it a jumper - starting from the bottom up (the yarn is Aquarella by Malabrigo). I was writing the pattern for it as I went along, but for one reason or another, it moved to the basket of abandoned projects. At one point, cleaning those out, it got moved once more down the line to the 'frog it and use the yarn for something else' suitcase, and there it's been for a very long while now. This weekend I was looking for whatever super bulky yarn I had in my stash (because it's December, so, yay super bulky yarn!), and came across it again. I realized that all it would take is an elastic waistband and it could be a skirt that fit Annabel now. All other projects put aside for a moment, I cast off, folded the band over to create a casing and inserted some elastic. Voila. I do love it when that happens - finishing always feels so satisfying, but finishing something that was previously just taking up space, and not being enjoyed at all - well, that's a really fun kind of finishing.