Forgive me for being extra quiet here in this space as I dove under and fully into the flurry of right now. It is a flurry, isn't it? Well, not a flurry in the form of snowflakes (which is what ALL of my children are so eager for, but likely to be disappointed by - there's none in the forecast! Maybe we got it all last winter?). But it's definitely a flurry right now in the sense of all the parties, errands, wrapping, hosting, decorating, and making. Oh, the making! I suppose that's a result of my late start, but it's non-stop, round the clock, everywhere in the house making right now, and honestly, it's SO much fun this way. Everyone is in on it, and there are projects in each room happening - many I know nothing about until the sewing machine is required or a word needs to be spelled or they're stuck and need some grown-up help. It's marvelous, all this recipe testing, paper packaging, and handmade goodness by one and all.
I have to tell you though, that a few nights ago I was feeling frustrated by all the interruptions as I was trying to make progress on all the pants and dresses I had hoped to make for my nieces and nephews (that would be ten of them, yup, ten). Late at night, way past everyone's bedtime (that's another theme these days), with another book in her hands that she was writing for one of her cousins. She needed my help with typing and printing, and ordering of all the pages. I knew it would take a good half an hour or more to finish the job with her (and likely there would be another book to follow an hour later). I felt the frustration (and sleepiness) creep in as I looked at the pile of fabric that I just couldn't seem to get to. So close I was to saying no, or snapping about my own projects, but thank goodness I caught myself. Surely it was her eager expression with a handmade book tucked under her folded arms, so excited she was to show me what she had just made. Oh, I know that feeling. A deep breath, and a "yes, of course I can help you" came out of my mouth, albeit a tiny bit forced. And so we worked on her book - this one a sweet tale of a boy who discovers he has magical powers and an ability to know when people are lost and need him to help them find the way. Well good gracious. Yeah. Quickly that knocked a little bit of sense back my way, and we settled into the easy flow of working on a project together until it was done. Grateful now for the time together, grateful for the lessons I always learning from them, and grateful for the interruption. Because I know without a doubt that not only are those little cousins of hers going to love that book far more than they would a pair of handmade pants, but that her act of making that book (and the many, many before and after) is far more important than any little thing I might have had going on in that moment. And so is the recipe testing for the perfect play dough to give that her little brother and sister are doing. And so is the woodworking that her older brothers are up to. All needing our help just a little bit every so often(which is sometimes a lot).
We all need those reminders here and there, don't we? And they always provide such a lovely 'restart' to everything. Slower breathing, a calmer presence and a clearer awareness of what's happening right now all around us.....and just how wonderful that is. And important too. What they're seeing and hearing from us right now matters so very much. Especially this time of year, especially in the thick of it, and in the flurry of everything - these are the times when it is so essential that we see - for them and for us - the magic, the wonder, the merriment that comes with the making, whether that be making books or pants, cookies or pies, or making merry....and sharing it.
On this Solstice Day, I wishing you much warmth, peace and joy with those you love!