Pesky errands and a long to-do list out and about this week seriously cut into Ani's sewing time on our standing Tuesday date. Thankfully, though, those errands involved breakfast out with my girl, and a trip to not only the sewing machine shop but also the fabric store. So, not so terrible after all. It was at the fabric store that she picked out the fabric above, to make something with that day. Once home, after it was washed and dried, we had just enough time for only a tiny bit of sewing before the crew was due to arrive home. "A skirt or a night dress?" I asked. "That's all we really have time for today." "A night dress that I wear in the day!" was her reply. Of course.
I used my standby nightgown pattern - Butterick B4910 - really easy and entirely possible to put together in that brief window of time before dinner began. She had something new - and somewhat twirly - to wear when everyone arrived home, and all through the evening hours playing in front of the fire (those are Magnatiles up there, mixed in with the Osthiemer horses. Both absolute favorite toys around here). And in the morning, she reminded me that she was going to wear her night dress as a day dress. And why not? Pajamas and day clothes, dress up and fancy, and every day play clothes? The lines between each of those seem to be nonexistent around here. Clothes are clothes. And a dress is a dress - no matter what time of day you wear it.
Though, that lasted for an hour before the play of the day demanded she change into a purple velour skirt and tank top with legwarmers. As it goes.