More pajamas were the request on this sewing Tuesday with Ani. And since "summer is coming up next, like really soon," she determined they should be shorts and short sleeved. I asked how it was the summer was coming up next, to which she replied, in a very elaborate and long-drawn out way, that since Calvin just had his birthday and his is in winter, and next is Ezra's and that's at the end of winter and then after that it's hers which is in the beginning of summer, that means summer is coming up next. Naturally. How could I not know that? I do love the way the year works in her mind - revolving around the holidays and celebrations we have, and most importantly, her own birthday.
So summer pajamas it was! Which really, if you're four year old Ani work just fine in the wintertime. She's either running or jumping constantly (her currently visiting Aunt mentioned putting her FitBit on Ani for a day. I can't even imagine what that would show!)....or she's snuggled up right in front of the fire on a sheepskin with a blanket. She's plenty warm, all the time. Summer pajamas in January, sure thing. And I think - no I'm certain - that the apple fabric (by Cotton + Steel) just might be the most adorable and perfect fabric I've seen yet this year. The pattern is the same I used for last week's nightgown, this is just a different view of B4910 by Butterick. A handy pattern that one is, to be sure.
I have to laugh as I see her wearing this new pajama set as she runs around the house. Me, in my wool longjohns with wool pants over that, two pair of socks and slippers, and shawls, sweaters and scarves to boot. I've been doing it for fifteen years now - chasing a little one with a pair of slippers in my hands, or a cardigan, or something to keep them warm. And for fifteen years, they've been shedding those very layers faster than I can keep up. It is, I suppose, the dance we do. Thank goodness summer is right around the corner. Sort of.