It's been many years that our Easter tradition has been the same. Celebrating spring, Easter and usually Passover too with a group of friends at their farm. It changes each year in the growth of the group, the new faces, and the unpredictable weather of the season. But the constants to our tradition are what we go back for year after year. An amazing collection of food offerings by folks who grow, raise and love food as much as we do. A gaggle of little friends running around, in and out of the woods, the stream, the pastures. A week-old calf on a leash (with Easter ribbons, of course). Visits with folks we wish we saw more, but are grateful for this day to reconnect with. And, if we are lucky, which we certainly have been more than not in year's past, a gorgeous spring-like day, with the sun beating down on us. And what is surely the first long day spent out of doors with a group of friends, laughing and playing in the sunshine. We arrived home last night with the smell of bonfire in our clothes and hair, and pink noses from the sun. Bliss. Spring is here!