*You know, where the grass is greener?
Oh goodness, I think I just referenced a Guns and Roses song in a blog post title. Eleven years now I've been at this blogging thing and never have done such a thing as that. I have no excuse except to say that it's Friday! And it snowed this week! On the eve of May! And ... well, that's enough, really to warrant all the punchiness in the world, I'd say. It's been a bit of a long week.
But it is true, that reference. Because our sheep and goats did have a little trip over to Paradise City last night and I'm anticipating another tonight. From my studio, I heard Greta raising a ruckus in the kitchen and walked into find her quite upset about the goat that was just about on the back steps of the house. I started to send out the alarm, the frequent "goat out!" holler of an alarm, when I pulled the glasses down from the top of my head and onto my face and saw all the goats, and all the sheep....just about on the back steps of the house. That turned quickly into a jog right on out there where I saw clearly that everyone who should be behind a fence was in front of one.....and then there was a picnic table full of quietly watching, observing and casual onlookers.
"Um, hello?"
"They needed green grass!" Adelaide chimed in, happily, quite pleased to have gotten what she wanted obviously. And it's true, they did and do need grass. We've been holding them back from the main pasture that we frost seeded this spring, until it grows just a little bit more. And they've been itching to get to something green, we know it. We've been supplementing with hay much later into the spring than is ideal, but necessary still.
"Okay...but there's no fence." I countered. As usually we use the portable fencing at least to contain them when we move them about. This free range roaming about for twelve sheep and three goats seemed like risky business to me.
"We're shepherding!" Harper stood up and declared.
But of course. (I should mention that Papa was a part of the shenanigans too - smiling all the while at his three young shepherds.) And you should know that everyone quite easily found their way back to their respective pastures in plenty of time for dinner. I won't admit this to them, but I'll tell you....sometimes, I think it's best if Mama just stays out of the way.