(The wonderful Black Mountain Yarn Shop, Dobra Tea, Roots and Fruits Market, Robert Lake Park in Montreat. The last two photos are from downtown Asheville.)
There's a special kind of magic that comes at this precious age of ten or so, and I am enjoying soaking it up fully with my girl on this trip. The balance of this age is delightful, and it was so evident yesterday as we wandered about and explored in and around the beautiful and charming Black Mountain area. There was yarn shopping, and another pair of fancy earrings purchased for her ("I'm really into earrings and scarves right now, Mom!"). We browsed books, and had thoughtful conversation over tea. I found myself feeling so full of joy and gratitude at this growing girl, who is becoming a friend more every day. But just as we wrapped up all that grown up stuff, we hit the playground. There, on the monkey bars and on the swings, she was just as at home and herself as she was planning her next knitting project, shopping for the pretty earrings, and talking about her latest book idea over tea. Oh, this age. This sweet, sweet age. How blessed I feel to be sharing it with her.
Asheville! We'd love to see you this afternoon/evening if you're able to join us for some visiting, or knitting, or socializing. The rain is coming down, so let's gather at Highland Brewing Company from 4-6pm. We are looking forward to it!