Greetings from Woolen Moss!
Upstate New York is such an interesting and amazing place. With its lakes, waterfalls, and gorges, its natural beauty is just stunning. But it’s weather, well, I’m not sure whether to place that in the interesting or amazing category. I was all set to do one last photo shoot before joining the SouleMama blog for the day, featuring some new skirted leggings, a side slit tunic, maybe a new pocket dress for spring. And then… snow. And now, more snow. I know many of you in the northeast find yourselves in the same boat (or sled). Somehow, even the weatherman doesn’t change the surprise of waking up to snow covered daffodils.
I used to think that farmers were the only ones who worked so in sync with the seasons, following mother nature’s lead day to day. But I find myself a clothing designer, following the whims of her days too. In fact, my whole year has a definite cycle to it that I never could have foreseen, but I now don’t think I could live without. I do not work on the same things in the fall as in the spring. Sure, there are a few overlaps, because my customers hark from all around the world. But in general I design more during the awakening of spring, I swim more during the heat of the summer, I sew madly during the changes of fall, and in the winter I hibernate in wool, drink tea, and communicate with women from around the world. All of my seasons involve sewing, designing, and writing, but there is a definite rhythm to it. For that I am grateful.
So I pulled on my woolies this morning, grabbed my jar of tea, and sat down at my computer to write. Further into the day, I finished a new design, hemmed a pair of pants and slipped into some new organic cotton clothes to photo. Feeling very out of season I stepped out into the snow to experience the conundrum of a northern spring. Aside from swimming, I may have crammed all four seasons into one day. Thanks mother nature, for keeping me on my toes.
Shop updates and general musings on life found @woolenmoss on Instagram and Facebook.
Kate: I’m very excited to introduce my new organic cotton/bamboo/lycra french terry. It is now taking the place of both the old jersey and the old french terry. It’s weight falls right in between the two, making the most perfect and versatile of fabrics. Heavy enough to hide more of those pesky panty lines and waistlines, but light enough to drape so beautifully. I always did have a difficult time with the jersey, as I loved it, but I always worried about it wearing out too quickly. A large part of my interest in the fashion industry, is longevity and durability. And the presence of this wonderfully sustainable bamboo gives it a softness and drape with far less pilling than 100% cotton. I like to make clothing with long lasting integrity, so this new fabric is just perfect. And the colors? I think you’ll love them!
This weekend, Woolen Moss is generously offering the following gift to ONE lucky SouleMama reader:
A pair of skirted leggings in the new french terry. They move with your body so well, you’ll feel naked. But warm. And cozy. Both sexy and modest. And if you choose a 3/4 length pair? You’ll be ready for summer too. Your size, your color choice. Enjoy!
In addition, Woolen Moss would like to offer Soulemama readers 15% off their entire purchase (on top of the already marked down wool goodies in the shop!) with the code SNOWYSPRING through April 19th. Why April 19th? Because that’s my birthday, and I’m turning 40. And I want you to celebrate with me. My 40’s are going to be amazing, I can just feel it.
To enter today's giveaway, leave a comment below (one entry per person, please). Comments will close by 9 am EST on Sunday. Winners will be chosen by Random Number Generator and announced in this post shortly after. Comments closed. The winner is...
These sound perfect! Thanks for the introduction.
Posted by: Christyn