I am the world's worst surprise keeper. Secrets, I can keep. But surprises are so hard! It happens with every gift-giving holiday that I end up giving at least one, if not more, of the gifts I have ready for someone to them before the actual day. I just get so excited to do so and can't wait. It works out well for them in the end though, as I then inevitably end up replacing that gift with another (that I do my best to hold onto, though often fail again. And so it goes). It's all silly, but fine. More love shared is good, of course. And more handknits received before one's birthday just means more time to wear them, right? Exactly.
And so it is that Ani has a new vest two weeks before her fifth birthday. It is, once again, the Little Shoreline Vest, just like the one I made Harper a few weeks back. And once again, I knit it with our wool, though this batch of yarn is dyed. The buttons are from Wooly Moss Roots. And, well, I don't suppose there's very much more to say about it that I didn't say last time. Except that miss Annabel is quite pleased to have her own version, as you can see. Oh, she's a silly one!