Greetings from Sitka Arts & Science Festival!
Sitka Arts & Science Festival is a retreat tucked in the mountains of southeast Alaska that explores place, creativity, and our relationship to the natural world. The Festival brings together artists, scientists, and community members to explore and create on our beautiful island. We offer week-long workshops with our faculty that includes papercut artist Nikki McClure, writer and blogger Molly Wizenberg, Tlingit weaver and designer Teri Rofkar, traditional fish skin sewer Audrey Armstrong, and more! Scholarships are available (email [email protected] for more information).
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When the Sheldon Jackson College shut its doors in 2007, the Sitka Fine Arts Camp and a number of other community organizations took on the project of saving the historic campus. With the help of hundreds of volunteers, Sitkans have brought it back to life and turned it into a beautiful community gathering space. Sitka Arts & Science Festival was created to explore the intersection of art and science, to give adults the opportunity to be immersed in a culture of creativity and inquiry, and to share what we love about this campus and community with people from "the lower 48." The two weeks include hands-on workshops, a wildlife cruise around Sitka Sound, concerts, guided hikes, and more.
This weekend, Sitka Arts & Science Festival is generously offering the following gifts to ONE lucky SouleMama reader:
A copy of the photography book Sitka: At Home in the Wild by Dan Evans, and a sampler of our favorite locally-made chocolate.
In addition, Sitka Arts & Science Festival invites all SouleMama readers to use discount code SITKASOULE to get 20% off workshop registration through June 15th.
To enter today's giveaway, leave a comment below (one entry per person, please). Comments will close by 9 am EST on Sunday. Winners will be chosen by Random Number Generator and announced in this post shortly after. Comments closed. The winner is...
How lovely! Thanks for the chance.
Posted by: Andrea