I don't think there is any more available window space anywhere in this somewhat rambly old farmhouse with plenty of windows. The snowflakes! We're getting plenty of snow on the outside (more coming this weekend - my kids are so happy about the snowy winter we're shaping up to have!), but without a doubt, we're getting a storm on the inside! Each time I run the vacuum over, or sweep into the dustpan, another pile of tiny little pieces of cut out white paper, I have to catch myself from complaining about it. And then there is the basket of greens which I've been requested not to move "because we're going to make a swag for EVERY door!" despite the pile of crumbling needles around it that it creates on the floor. Which blend right into the crunched up popcorn bits from stranding popcorn and cranberries.
Yup, I do my best to check any feelings I may have about that besides pure joy. Because, goodness, they're just making merry! And this Mama certainly understands the flurry of creativity and the inevitable mess that is an integral part of that process. And I am so glad that they're taking the lead on decking these halls in the ways they are. I really do love that, and they're inspiring me to get my own craft on.
(Our favorite way to make snowflakes is with coffee filters. And the colorful stars we make are with this transparency kite paper, which we generally make in this style because it's what I remember and the easiest for the littlest two, though there are so many other, more advanced ways. Sarah Baldwin has a great video tutorial on making them as well.)