Greetings from Homestead Honey!
My blog, Homestead Honey, is a space for inspiration, resources, and connection. I share and celebrate the joys and challenges of our off-grid homesteading, homeschooling life in hopes that others might be inspired to live their own homestead dream.
My current offering, Gather & Glean Homestead Mentorship Circle is 10-week group coaching and mentorship program for women who are passionate about homesteading and community. In Gather & Glean, we come together as circle of radical homesteading women who are similarly motivated to achieve our dreams and glean wisdom from one another’s experience.
The next Gather & Glean Circle begins on January 16, a perfect time to get clarity around your values and vision, and to set powerful intentions and take inspired action on your goals and dreams in the New Year!
Sign up for my weekly eNewsletter, full of seasonal homesteading tips and inspiration.
SouleMama: Welcome to sponsorship on SouleMama! Please tell us about the beginnings of your business, and how you've come to be where you are now?
Hello! I'm Teri, a mama to two, Ella (9) and Everett (6), and wife of Brian, an artist blacksmith. My blog, Homestead Honey began about five years ago as a journal-style blog, sharing family and homestead life with two young children. In 2012, our family packed up our Oregon homestead of 13 years and moved onto raw land in NE Missouri to create an off the grid homestead from scratch. The process of detailing the creation of our homestead transformed the blog into a central part of my online business.
I have since written several eBooks, Creating Your Off-Grid Homestead and The Backyard Bread and Pizza Oven (a collaboration with my husband), and co-created The Homestead Kitchen eCourse.
I'm also a life coach and work closely with women who want to create a life that is closely aligned with their vision and values. I'm passionate about homesteading, Waldorf-inspired homeschooling, gardening, and creative entrepreneurship, and love helping others grow their own homesteads, produce more food for their family, and create businesses that they love.
My latest offering is a small group coaching program for women who are passionate about homesteading and community: Gather & Glean Homestead Mentorship Circle. By creating a deep virtual community, Gather & Glean provides support, structure, and weekly motivation to help women take huge leaps forward in their homestead dreams. It's pretty magical to come together in this circle of women and see the transformations that occur!
This weekend, Homestead Honey is generously offering the following gift to ONE lucky SouleMama reader:
enrollment in the January Gather & Glean Homestead Mentorship Circle
To enter today's giveaway, leave a comment below (one entry per person, please). Comments will close by 9 am EST on Monday. Winners will be chosen by Random Number Generator and announced in this post shortly after. Comments closed. The winner is...
What a wonderful giveaway! Thank you.
Posted by: Tracey