Oh sometimes March really does call for a change of scenery! Even if that scenery looks an awfully lot like your own, but actually isn't. And especially if that change of scenery involves new friends and creativity by the shore. Yes yes, that's the perfect cure for whatever ails in March....in Maine....in a winter that's lingering! Adelaide and I took a little road trip over and up the coast this weekend to visit Kirsten and her children. The children had not met one another before, but after merely moments, you would never know that. Through games and crafts, they connected through creativity and made fast friends with one another. That is always such a delight to see. And a delight for Mamas who then have so much visiting and connecting time of their own. Kirsten and I are working on a little something together that I'll be telling you more about soon. But this weekend was not work, really at all, it was play. And play is exactly what we needed apparently! For this morning, as I look out the window and see little flurries falling down, all I can see is just how pretty it is. So funny how that works. Spirit restored.
Wishing all of you a gentle start to your week!