Yesterday was such a day. Right from the get go, everything I touched seemed to go awry. I drove an hour away to a meeting and found myself entirely in the wrong place. I sent emails to the wrong people. A few things fell through that I was counting on. Blah - it just went on. I did realize quickly enough that the rest of the day of work was going to be exactly like that unless I abandoned it all for an entirely new direction. That's how I found myself cleaning all the windows in the house. And that's how I discovered, six years into living in this house, that they all tip in for cleaning. I know, right? I've actually been outside on ladders cleaning them in years past, when all I had to do was watch a 30-second video from the window company and voila - easy peasy. So the window are clean - inside and out - and that's something. But it's only something. I still was feeling entirely unsatisfied with the day (it might have been that I read the forecast for snow coming today. It's true). Before it was time for me to make dinner and write the day off for what it was, I happened to snap that first photo of Annabel and Greta. "Annabel!" I exclaimed. "You need new pants!!"
This is not news, of course. I'm not oblivious to the fact that those are INCHES too high, like most of her others, and I had been promising her we would do some pant sewing soon, I just hadn't gotten around to it yet. But there was my answer to the day - right in front of me. I knew that was just the thing to give a tiny air of accomplishment and satisfaction to an otherwise dud of a day. All in the hour before dinner. Pants before dinner, skirts before dinner, this I know. Surely I've written that many times here before, for that feeling of instant gratification with the simplest but most functional of sewing is just the best. Ani got some new pants before dinner last night. She could use some more, which I'm sure I can manage.
(And yes, Greta really is that patient/gentle/awesome. We love her so.)