It was a classic case of dinner being late, again, because....sweet peas!
I think we're nearing the end of my sweet peas this year, actually, hence needing to be sure I got another round in last night (dinner can always wait). I've grown sweet peas before, but never quite as many and never quite as well. I got these as starts from a friend, and while I'm grateful to her for that, I'm also kind of cursing her. Because I don't think I can ever live another summer without sweet peas in my garden, and I'll need a whole lot more of them, please! She did that to me. Sigh. They are just so long lasting, long stemmed, and I think it's one of the best smells of summer - an armful of sweet peas coming in from the garden, or a tiny little vase next to my bed when I wake up. Oh! If only I could bottle that up for February. But then again, it wouldn't feel quite so precious if I could smell it all year long, now would it?
Sorry about dinner, kids. Just wait till you grow your first sweet peas. You'll understand.