Poppy and Lupine were born yesterday morning to Mama Bluebell. A girl and a boy, they bring to a total, oh, a whole lot of kids around here! (But really just four of the goat variety.)
This morning, Annabel wanted to skip right past breakfast so she could tiptoe out there and "catch them while they're in their deepest sleep so I can see what they look like when they dream." I didn't tell her that eight in the morning was a little late for deep-sleeping farm animals, nor that there is absolutely no such thing as tiptoeing past a pasture full of twelve mouthy sheep (the matriarch, Emily is a mouthy one, and can rouse the rest of the crew into a chorus when she wants to).
They are awfully cute, these two. Teeny tiny baby goats are just about the most ridiculously cute thing there is on a farm, I have to believe. I have no doubt that we'll be having our lunch out there in the barn stall with them, just to "see what they do when we eat lunch next to them." The possibilities for entertainment are endless, really.