Issue 23::TRADE is now shipping! I'll spare you from hearing that it's my favorite issue though you know it is, always the latest issue feels nearest and dearest to my heart....right next to the next issue, which is fresh on my mind and in front of my desk. But TRADE! TRADE is full of a whole lot of goodness and some that is not only close to home, but definitely close to heart as well. In this issue, I had the great pleasure of accompanying Stacy Brenner on a trip to Avena Botanicals where she interviewed and I photographed Deb Soule and her gardens. It was an inspiring day, one I've thought a lot about since our visit (so much so that it became the subject of my editor's letter). We're also carrying her beautiful book How to Move Like a Gardener, and the magical Rose Petal Elixir in the shop. I've long used Deb's goods in our family apothecary, reaching for this or that familiar product of hers, and of course I've admired her writing and work for some time (no relation, by the way, though I wouldn't mind claiming one!). A true treat to spend some time with her and share it with you all in the pages of the magazine.
And then just a hop skip and a jump down the coast a bit and we have Beatrice Perron Dahlen (author of Maine Knits, also in the shop now!) who created the Taproot Cowl which is such a great pattern, especially when worked up in the recommended Wing & A Prayer Farm yarn which you can buy as a kit on our website. Do you know Tammy? I think I've mentioned her here before a few times, but if you are on Instagram you really must follow her farm sharing (@wingandaprayerfarm). She's such a gem, and her daily snapshots and stories from her farm are a delight to read and watch.
But back to the pages of TRADE - turmeric for health, cooking with seaweed, cultivating mushrooms, fiber in Tajikistan, sourdough recipes, farming with oxen, scything, an embroidery pattern, a crochet sweater, canning jar labels, oh and so much more! I have no idea how we fit so much inside 112 pages. (Oh right, maybe because we're still free of ads, thanks to our subscriber support!)
I'll spare you any more chatter about TRADE and just let you either enjoy your issue (it should be arriving any day if it hasn't already!), or encourage you to check it out on our website and consider joining us as a subscriber. And thank you, always, for your support of this endeavor - whether it be through listening, subscribing, or sharing the news of it!