Greetings from Oak Meadow!
School not working? Discover heart-centered learning with Oak Meadow's quality, adaptable homeschooling curriculum for K-12, or enroll in our accredited distance school with one-to-one teacher support.
- Start anytime and work at your own pace.
- Engage with comprehensive, print curriculum, and choose assignments that match your child’s interests.
- High school courses available individually and by subject.
New to homeschooling, or in the trenches and needing a boost? Oak Meadow now offers three layers of support.
- Foundations in Independent Learning: An online parent-teacher certification course for those new to teaching at home or new to Oak Meadow.
- Homeschool With Heart: An online support course that helps experienced homeschoolers reflect, regroup, focus, and stay organized.
- Homeschool Support: A more intensive, one-to-one consultation service with an Oak Meadow teacher.
Since the last time you were featured on SouleMama, in what ways has your business grown or changed? Is there anything new you'd like to tell us about?
We are offering some terrific new products!
Foundations in Social Justice: We're pleased to introduce this comprehensive introductory course that gives practical guidance for bringing social justice principles into action. Through a variety of illuminating readings, activities, discussions, and reflections, participants will gain a more complex understanding of how a person's actions impact others. Step-by-step guidance is provided to help parents and teachers support an awakening sense of social justice in children.
This self-paced course can be done individually or in a group setting. The course is available in digital form as a downloadable PDF. A certificate of professional development (20 hours) is available for those who complete the course. Find it it our bookstore, for only $15.
Grade-specific learning assessment packets for each academic subject are now available. Each learning assessment follows the corresponding Oak Meadow coursebook, providing an easy way to use our materials with multiple children. Packets are $10 each.
This weekend, Oak Meadow is generously offering the following gifts to ONE lucky SouleMama reader:
$150 gift coupon to use in the Oak Meadow Bookstore plus choice of our new Homeschool Parent Planner (for parents of students in grades K-4) or Student Planner (for students in grades 5-12).
To enter today's giveaway, leave a comment below (one entry per person, please). Comments will close by 9am EST on Sunday. Winners will be chosen by Random Number Generator and announced in this post shortly after. Comments closed. The winner is...
We would love to try Oak Meadow
Posted by: Korbi