We've been running on empty just a little bit of late, feeling a bit frantic from travel and fall activity and oh so much on our plates. And on one day last week, feeling heavy with the weight of all of that, Steve and I started the day by deciding to call it all off. Push the pause button on our days, for just one day. Instead of the planned day of running here there and everywhere and in different directions, we loaded the kids (the ones not in school, anyway) into the car and hit the road to find beautiful and quiet adventure together. Gosh, it feels like ages since we did that so spontaneously as that, and it was so needed and so lovely. Maine has really been showing off of late, with this glorious fall weather and the foliage still plenty beautiful. We meandered our way to a little spot we like on the lake, where my children proceeded to swim (because why not, October?) and play and run and somehow Steve and I managed uninterrupted conversation even! And then we found our way to a favorite Maine spot for lunch, Nezinscot Farm where we not only ate farm fresh yumminess, but wandered the yarn and fiber shop as well. It's one of my favorite place to wander and I keep saying I'm going to take a class there one of these days. If you're ever near there (it's in Turner), I highly recommend a stop in for fiber and food treats alike!
Three cheers for ditching the plan! Sometimes it's just what we need, isn't it?