I got a little bit of sewing in yesterday. Really, a very little bit, but just enough to stitch up the Strata Top I had cut fabric for earlier in the week. The Strata Top is the pattern featured in the Special Edition of Taproot, Make Volume 1, and is written by Meg McElwee of Sew Liberated. I love the simplicity of this top, and the shape of it so much. It was a breeze to put together, and just as soon as I finished it, I tossed it over the very dress I was wearing at the time (a few years old from Conscious Clothing) and I never want to take it off now. (The fabric is Clover by Cotton + Steel.)
I've been feeling a strong pull towards the sewing machine of late, probably due to the weather and that feeling of coming inside that's started to creep into our bones. To that note, I brought all of our sewing machines (mine regular one and I have two for the kids) in to the shop to be serviced and cleaned, anticipating sewing weather coming upon us! And with those back home, I've been finding little pockets of time for stitching here and there. I don't think I ever showed you my Fen Dress, did I? I'll have to do then when I make another, which I'm hopeful is going to happen soon. But then, there are a pile of halloween requests with that looming deadline! Ah! Maybe it will be a weekend of sewing ahead. I'd love that.