This week was shearing week! It's always a special day when our friend Jeff (Buckwheat Blossom Farm) comes to give the girls a fresh trim. Spring (and fall) cleaning. A lightening of the load for all, and the beginning of another fiber process for me! I'll send this wool once again to Battenkill Fibers, who has done a beautiful job in the past with our fleeces. This time, I'll be able to deliver it myself, as I'll be in the Hudson Valley this week visiting Wing and A Prayer Farm (we're hosting a Makers Market there on Saturday, June 2nd - join us if you can!).
Once the sheep were sheared, we turned them out onto new pasture, but not before pulling four aside. Those four are headed off to a new adventure, to another farm, where they'll be loved up by farm kids, and eventually bred. Adelaide's best friend is taking over shepherding duties of those four, and the two of them are having a blast in the transition - it required a double sleepover naturally, so the sheep wouldn't be scared in their new digs, she said. (Or just so they could have a double sleepover, really. They were not a fan of the car ride (can I tell you how many animals I've transported in our old minivan? Oh gosh!), but upon arrival, settled in so nicely to their new space and beautiful pasture. They're so friendly and such loves, I'm sure they're going to be a hit at farm camp!
It was bittersweet, this transition. We still have eight sheep, and I don't want to part with those. I so love keeping sheep. But we are thinking carefully about streamlining for both the simplicity of our daily lives, and the health of our flock. Our pastures still needs a great deal of work and improvement, and we know it's going to be easier and healthier with fewer sheep trampling on it.
It all feels rather symbolic of lots of transitions that happen in our lives and that are happening as our family grows and ages together, and things change. It's always so good to look at all the parts and pieces and question their presence when life gets full. Does this still fit? What's the most important thing to us? Can we put this aside for now and come back to it later, in a different phase of life? So many great questions that end up narrowing our focus and sharpening our eye on what matters the most to us, what we value most of all..and ultimately leads us to making more room for those things. Family. A close relationship with this land. Community. and Peace of mind and heart.
Wishing you all a most wonderful weekend with those you love....