Since moving to the farm, we've raised a batch of meat birds each year, landing ultimately with Freedom Rangers as our preferred breed, and about 75 as the perfect number for us for a year. (I wrote a bit about it in the past, once here). In the spring months, as Steve and I looked ahead at the busy days of summer and growing children, increased work loads, and all of that....we made the decision to cut ourselves some slack around the farm this summer. Nothing we give up can't be picked up again next year, we reminded ourselves. It's just that a slight pause in the long chores of every day and every morning were welcome this summer. I've been so glad for that decision each morning as the days have started out a little more calm, and with a little more time for each other. I know I'm going to miss all those pork chops in the freezer come January, but we have lots of farmer friends and we'll do some bulk buying, and it will make us appreciate it again even more when we raise pigs again.
But the chickens! Thankfully, a friend suggested the idea of Chicken Club, whereby a group of families joined in to purchase a large amount of those freedom rangers, raised by one family, costs and expenses covered by the lot of us. And...last week was the culmination of chicken club, as we all gathered for harvesting day. And let me tell you, if only for that reason alone, it was a brilliant move and great plan, as all those helping hands made such quick work of the task. Gathering with families with the same vested interested in their food source, the same appreciation for the critters we raise for food, and all the meaningful conversation we had while doing the work of the day? Well, wow. I'm sure we'll raise our own birds again in the future - maybe even next year - but I'll certainly be inviting another family or two to join us when that time comes. Community is everything.