The weekend was...peachy? I'm sorry but it really, really was! Feeling the ticking clock of summer, we squeezed so much into our days! Lake swims, and gatherings with friends and OH SO MANY peaches processed. Just as I said last week, many to the freezer and lots to the canning shelves. To the list I already shared, I have to add Sunshine Jam, which we're all so excited about.
That ticking clock of summer though, it's real! Are you feeling it too? The balance tips this year for the first time, as I'll have more kiddos IN school than homeschooled. Big changes, but timely ones too, that everyone is ready for. Well everyone except for Mama maybe, who got more than a little tearful as the beginning of school year packet arrived this weekend full of all the lists and dates and details for the year ahead (the tears bringing on light teasing and laughter from my crew). A first grader and a senior? How can it be, I wonder? But here we are. (I'll share more about home/school soon, just as soon as these softening peaches are all tucked away, and I catch my breath.)
I've called uncle on the peaches. I've called a few friends in to finish up the picking and preserving for themselves. Though...there's always room and time for one more tray in the freezer, yes? I think I can squeeze that in before breakfast....