Our kitchen table is seeing so much action these days. I mean, it always does. But it seems I'm not leaving it much these days, between meals and making lunches (I want to talk more about that here soon! I'm a little, well, into it.), and all the things that are coming in from the garden to preserve! This coming weekend I head to the Common Ground Country Fair, and while last year was in the nineties, it's very often our first frost date. And so I'm pulling in what I can when I can. There were giant batches of pesto made that went straight to the freezer (roughly using something like this as a recipe). And I brought in all the marigolds for drying, which I hope to use as a dye later in the season when I have more wool to play with. I'll tell you more about that when it happens.
It's taking a concerted effort to keep the table clear between all these tasks, but I'm committed to it. Such a little thing, but it's so huge to have an empty space ready and waiting for the next task to begin with ease.
Another full week has begun and I know this little corner of my home will see so much more in the coming days! Wishing you all a wonderful start to your week!