The color right now is so amazing. It makes all the driving I've been doing just so pleasant. And all the walks in the woods required for a new pup? Dreamy. All of that has been such a peaceful presence in my life this past week, which has had its hard moments too. But finding peace and comfort right in our own back yard and with each other, well that's a gift I'm certainly grateful for.
I'm drying marigolds in a flurry for winter dye fun, so pleased that they're still blooming and we haven't had such a hard killing frost yet. I bought gobs more spring bulbs to plant - feeling confident now after all these years, in saying that no, there can never be enough spring flowers. The garlic is here now too and I'm going to put that in the ground soon. I love fall planting of bulbs, it's such an act of hope, an intention of joy set for the future. There really can never been too many daffodils, you know?