What a week! Not only were our bellies constantly full but so were the days! Let's see, first there was snow. Then Harper turned ten! There was Thanksgiving for twenty two! Then it snowed some more. Then we celebrated Taproot's one year anniversary on Cove Street. And more celebration was in store as college acceptance letters are coming in. And then it was all topped off with more snow.
(Yes, the table keeps moving in the photos above. I still keep moving the furniture around, not quite getting it exactly where I want yet. Last night at dinner there was a vote and it's a tie on whether or not to move everything back to where it was before. So. I've got one more chance to try again!)
We've all adjusted quite well the to the new rhythm that is our school days, but of course I so thoroughly enjoyed having all of us home together for such extended days. It was all kinds of delightful - full of the things we love. Knitting, of course. Games and music. Art and craft. Skiing and outdoor adventure. So very much to be grateful for, always.