I've had some seriously awesome company as I've been sitting by the fire as often as possible of late, knitting away on holiday gifts! Annabel has been at my side constantly with her own knitting project, and Harper has joined in from time to time as well. A delight!
Being that it's mid-December and all....it seemed the season to pull out the super bulky yarn! There's the great standby of the Drop Stitch Cowl and this year, I was delighted to find Wrapt, a set of five hat patterns all knit in Rasta.
I've learned though, after all these knitting years, that I can't simply knit all day long as I'd like to, on the same project. That inevitably leads to carpal tunnel for me, and I can't bear the thought of a January with no knitting. SO! I'm mixing in a few smaller projects here and there to give my hands a break from the big needles. That seems to do the trick.
Are you deep in the world of super bulky knitting too? Or is your sewing machine busy these days (that's coming up next for me!)? Oh this making is just SO much fun!