It's raining here today. Again. There is snow in the forecast for the week ahead. That is NOT helping things and I don't want to talk about it. This morning, the kids were feeling the lag that such grey days bring. Ani, who really loves school and schoolwork in normal times, (unlike the other six of us, this child of mine gets giddy like nobody's business when a math worksheet is put in her hands) was resistant to doing her lessons today. It was early enough in the day (um, hello 7am) that I could foresee a day of resistance ahead and had NO interest in that (nor patience for it). So instead of directing her day, I asked her to come up with her own schedule of how she thought things should go. She loved that idea and hurried off to scramble this note for me:
Four minutes of reading.
Four minutes of coloring.
Three minutes of listening to an audiobook.
Three minutes of napping.
One minute of music.
Then clean up room.
After pointing out to her that this daily schedule only accounted for fifteen minutes (so maybe her math does need some work?), I told her it was brilliant and to proceed.
Here's hoping that we all get more than three minutes of napping in for the weekend ahead....
Take care, everyone.